
Showing posts with the label Appreciate what you have

You're on mute! - Quote of 2020

You're on mute! The most heard words of 2020. After speaking half of the first sentence of what we wanted to say, we hear someone from the listeners inform us, 'You're on mute'. This not only breaks the momentum, but also throws the entire feel down the drain. The more excited you are for what you're going to say, the greater the chances are that you're gonna miss this very simple alert that you're on mute. Forgetting to turn on the mic before speaking doesn't mean you're inattentive to the fact that you were on mute. It rather means that you are so indulged into what is being discussed and what you're going to contribute that you miss this little detail. We are not accustomed to clicking the mic before speaking. This is such a novel concept that even spending the whole year doing this hasn't really made us habitual of clicking before speaking. Don't we all wanna go back to simple in-person meetings and discussions? Don't we all miss