
Showing posts with the label Internal Happiness

Mask - Is it really a new normal???

This year is wrapped up in stories poles apart. It’s been too tough for some. But at the same time, it's been too blessed for others. Some lost their loved ones. But then, others found themselves this year. There are some who missed on their goals due to the aftermaths of the pandemic. But, on the other hand, there are people who attained theirs just because of the pandemic this year. For some, it's been the  worst year ever , for others, it has been a  blessing in disguise . Different people take different things / people / lessons / memories from a passing year. But, if there's one thing we all can take into 2021 for sure, is the 'Mask' . 2020 has gifted us a mask to wear all the time. But, weren't we all wearing one all through? Mask to hide the pain we endure. Mask to avoid getting into uncomfortable conversations. Mask to not let anyone see through our sorrows. Mask to hide the scars on our souls. Mask to pretend everything is hunky-dory. Mask to hide our v