Mask - Is it really a new normal???

This year is wrapped up in stories poles apart. It’s been too tough for some. But at the same time, it's been too blessed for others. Some lost their loved ones. But then, others found themselves this year. There are some who missed on their goals due to the aftermaths of the pandemic. But, on the other hand, there are people who attained theirs just because of the pandemic this year. For some, it's been the worst year ever, for others, it has been a blessing in disguise.

Different people take different things / people / lessons / memories from a passing year. But, if there's one thing we all can take into 2021 for sure, is the 'Mask'.

2020 has gifted us a mask to wear all the time. But, weren't we all wearing one all through?

Mask to hide the pain we endure. Mask to avoid getting into uncomfortable conversations. Mask to not let anyone see through our sorrows. Mask to hide the scars on our souls. Mask to pretend everything is hunky-dory. Mask to hide our vulnerabilities. Mask to simply look happier, saner, or at times, pretty okay.

Just like physical one, this mask is uncomfortable, it’s heavy on us, difficult to breathe with, and utterly annoying, but that’s important to protect us from any further heartbreaks, annoying peeks into our personal lives, useless comments here and there, pointless unasked-for suggestions, and short curious energy-draining blabbering. In short, it’s tough… but MANDATORY.

Just like a physical one, wearing this mask the whole day long tires us. It makes us want to run away. As soon as we enter our homes, we just take it off and throw it away. Lying curled in our corners, we enjoy the solitude, our small comfort place, away from unnecessary noise to fill the air, just the thoughts and reflections.

Aren't we all just competing with each other to look happier?

Constant fear of looking sad or not okay makes us pretend all the time. From couples flaunting their love for each other all over social media rather than in-person to singles putting up selfies to show love towards themselves. From people checking-in to all different places to show how much they travel to the people posting pictures of food they just devoured on to tell everyone how tasty it was. From people posting their professional achievements to the ones posting about their relationship growth.

Nothing is wrong with putting up what you do over social media, but sharing and posting your details shouldn’t be out of the fear of being missing out. It should rather be a way to share your happiness with friends and family out there. Conforming to society’s criteria for a happy and successful life would never make you truly happy. Happiness comes from within, it doesn’t require constant validation from outside.

If you’re not as happy as you look on social media, it’s time for you to take this mask off and ask yourself some uncomfortable questions.

No vaccine can help us with this eternal mask. The only thing that can help us take this mask off is the CONVERSATION WITH SELF. Realizing and acknowledging the little things that matter to you the most, knowing that it’s okay to be sad or not being okay all the time, working towards your true happiness and growth, taking time out for the things you love the most, and being un-apologetically selfish when it comes to your peace of mind.

Your goals don’t need to make sense to the world out there, these are YOUR GOALS after all. Your life journey doesn’t necessarily need to excite anyone, it needs to light you up whenever you think about it. The sole purpose of your living shouldn’t be how people perceive your life to be, it should rather be how you think you’re doing. And even if you’re not doing well at times, give yourself some time, put yourself together, build yourself, and work towards betterment and growth. Take rest often and be yourself. That’s what will make you truly happy. That’s when you’ll be truly free from this MASK!!!


  1. It's really really heartfelt and authentic which is what I love abut it At times life compels us to speak our minds about the absurdity of it all and that is what this speaks of

  2. Absolutely brilliant.
    Threee pats on your back👍

  3. Indeed, the true reality of real MASK!!

    Thank you for sharing this


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